" Squirrel"
I am very sad to report that my Squirrel girl died recently on June 9, 2004 She was 18 years old. Squirrel
was my very best friend.
I find some comfort in the fact that she DID NOT have a horrid death where her body shut
down and had to be put to sleep. This was my fear since that is the way my other cat Niki died.
My prayers were answered because I prayed that if she had to leave this world it would be without pain.
She went to sleep and never woke up, she showed no signs of pain or anything. Poor girl just wore out I guess. I sure
will miss her.
She really was my sunshine.

This photo was taken for an Ebay auction. Squirrel just happen to be a huge part of the background.

The photo below shows Squirrel all tangled up in the blinds.
Suddenly it was quiet and the blinds were open halfway.I looked behind the couch and this is how she was
stuck. Grabbed my camera to get a shot of this little ball of energy all caught up in the blinds.
She never messed with the blinds again.
